About ICF

Holly Koogler

Lead Research Specialist, Labor and Migration

Holly is a labor and migration expert with a focus on child labor, forced labor, and human trafficking. She has more than 15 years of experience in conducting and managing research projects.

Holly is a labor and migration expert with a focus on child labor, forced labor, and human trafficking. She has more than 15 years of experience in conducting and managing research projects. She is currently leading the methodological design of various U.S. Department of Labor-funded studies of forced and child labor in the supply chain of goods. She recently completed several studies on migrant work experiences for the Global Fund to End Modern Slavery and the U.S. Department of Labor.

Other examples of her previous research projects include a longitudinal evaluation of a commercial sexual exploitation of children intervention in Uganda, a qualitative study of forced and child labor among domestic workers in Uganda, a qualitative study of forced labor among Haitian construction workers in the Dominican Republic, and a quantitative study estimating the prevalence of child labor in agriculture in selected areas of Rwanda.

Holly has expertise in survey methodology, and she has a particular interest in the methodological challenges of measuring child and forced labor and of reaching hidden populations. Holly also has extensive experience in qualitative research design and implementation. Her strengths include designing data collection strategies, conducting and managing fieldwork, conducting analyses, and writing reports and policy guidance. She has experience with various analysis software including MAXQDA, Dedoose, NVivo, and Atlas.ti for qualitative analysis and Stata and SPSS for quantitative analysis.

Holly is pursuing a Ph.D. in sociology at Johns Hopkins University. She has a master’s degree in education from Stanford University. She has working proficiency in French and Spanish.